Surprise! It gets cold in Minnesota

Luckily we are built to handle the winter

Winter can be the best time to think about trees

  • Disease/Pests

    All summer trees are under attack from fungus, insects, and bacteria. Pruning in the winter makes sure these little suckers are dead or dormant, making it much less likely that they will spread.

    Trees susceptible to crippling disease like Oak Wilt or Dutch Elm Disease are best pruned in the winter as the tree is dormant to minimize their potential of infection or cross contamination.

  • Tree Recovery

    Whenever a cut is made on a tree it continues to push nutrients to the cut, trying to heal and cover the wound as fast as possible, causing stress on the tree.

    When cuts are made in the winter the tree will start the healing process in the spring. If the tree starts pushing out new growth when the ground moisture is high it can heal the wound without overstressing the rest of the tree. The faster and healthier it heals the less likely it is to be harmed by outside insects and disease.

  • Saving Money

    When the ground is frozen and snow covered we can drive our already low impact machines right overtop of your beautiful yard without the worry of damage or needing ground protection to keep it as nice as you have it. When felling trees the snow acts as a pillow cushining the fall and preventing ground compaction.

    Without leaves we are able to see the structure of the tree more clearly, helping us to identify any structural issues or damages.